Basic Concept
Basic Comparisons
- LinkedList vs ArrayList
- HashMap vs. TreeMap vs. HashTable vs. LinkedHashMap
- Set vs. List vs. Map
- BST vs. HashTable
- BFS vs. DFS
- Graph vs. Tree
Linkedlist vs. Arraylist vs. Vector
- LinkedList
- get(index): O(n)
- add(element): O(1)
- add(index, element): O(n)
- remove(index): O(n)
- Iterator.remove(): O(1), main benefit
- Iterator.add(element): O(1), main benefit
- ArrayList
- get(index): O(1), main benefit
- add(element): O(1) amortized, worst case O(n) because need to resize array and copy
- add(index, element): O(n-index) amortized, worst case O(n)
- remove(index): O(n-index), remove last is O(1)
- Iterator.remove(): O(n-index)
- Iterator.add(element): O(n-index)
- LinkedList
- Linkedlist
- O(1) time insertions or removals using iterator, but only sequential access
- finding a position in the linkedlist takes time O(n)
- each element of linkedlist have more memory overhead because pointers need to be stored
- linkedlist also implements queue interface which adds more methods such as offer(), peek(), poll()
- Arraylist
- fast random read access in O(1)
- adding or removing element except at the end require shifting latter elements, if add more elements, need to allocate new array and copy old values
- iterating over arraylist is technically faster
- to avoid overhead of resizing, construct arraylist with initial capacity
- Linkedlist
- both are implementation of list interface
- maintain elements in insertion order
- non-synchronized, but can be made synchronized explicitly
- if list is structurally modified after iterator is created, except through iterator's own remove or add method, iterator will throw exception
When to use which
- frequent addition and deletion: linkedlist
- frequent search: arraylist
- less memory to store many elements: arraylist
- almost identical to arraylist, but is synchronized
- more overhead because of synchronization
- still use arraylist because they can make it synchronized explicitly
HashMap vs. TreeMap vs. HashTable vs. LinkedHashMap
- HashMap: implemented as a hash table, no ordering on keys or values
- TreeMap: implemented based on red-black tree, ordered by key
- LinkedHashMap: preserves insertion order
- HashTable: synchronized in constrast to HashMap
- operation
- put(): average O(1), worst O(n) when collision
- get(), remove(): O(1)
- if key is self-defined objects, need to implement equals() and hashCode()
- iteration order not predictable
- does not allow two identical elements
- equals(): return true if two references refer to the same object
- hashCode(): return distinct integers for distinct objects
- allow null keys and values
- operation
- operation
- put(), get(), remove(): worst O(logn)
- sorted by keys
- object for key has to implement Comparable interface
- only allow values to be null
- operation
- HashMap is roughly equivalent to HashTable, except hashmap is not synchronized and permits null
- operation: see arraylist
- subclass of HashMap
- linkedlist preserves the insertion order
- allow null keys and values
Set vs. List vs. Map
- unordered collection
- unique objects (!e1.equals(e2))
- contains at most one null
- ordered collection(sequence)
- access by index and search
- may contain duplicates
- user has control over where element inserted
- object that maps keys to values
- no duplicated allowed
- a key can map to at most one value
BST vs. HashTable
- insert and retrieve: O(logn)
- store data sorted
- no need to know size of input in advance
- memory efficient: do not reserve more memory than they need to
- insert and retrieve: O(1)
- elements stored unsorted
- with more inputs, collisions may show up
- need more space than input data if to avoid collision
- need to know data size, otherwise might need to resize the table
- search algorithms for graphs and trees
- used for unordered graph and tree
- graph representation
- adjacent list: space O(V+E)
- adjacent matrix: space O(V^2)
- start with root node
- scan each node in the each level
- while traversing each level, decide if target is found
- start with root node
- follow on branch as far as possible until target is found or hit a leaf node
- if hit a leaf node, continue search at the nearest ancestor
- memory
- BFS uses a large amount of memory because need to store pointers to a level(serious problem if the tree is very wide)
- DFS uses less memory because no need to store all child pointers at a level
- depend on the data you search for
- look for people alive in family tree: DFS because targets are likely to be on the bottom of the tree
- look for people who died: BFS
- BFS: queue
procedure BFS(G,v) initialize a queue Q Q.push(v) label v as visited while Q is not empty v <- Q.pop() for all edges from v to w in adjacent(v) if w is not visited Q.push(w) label w as visited
DFS: stack
procedure DFS(G,v) label v as visited for all edges from v to w in adjacent(v) if w is not visited DFS(G,w)
procedure DFS(G,v) initialize stack S S.push(v) while S is not empty v <- S.pop() if v is not visited label v as visited for all edges from v to w in adjacent(v) S.push(w)
- solution
- BFS: complete algorithm, give optimal solution
- DFS: suboptimal solution
- complexity
- BFS: worst time O(V+E), worst space O(V)
- DFS: worst time O(v+E), worst space O(V)
- memory
Tree vs. Graph
- tree is restricted form of a graph(directed acyclic graph)
- trees have direction(parent/child relationship)
- tree does not contain cycles
- in trees, a child can only have one parent