

  1. Find paths in a binary search tree summing to a target value
  2. Mirror tree
  3. Vertical sum of tree
  4. Subsets
  5. Subsets II
  6. Missing Number
  7. Maximum Subarray

Before 2015.2.1


  1. Compare Version Number
  2. Valid Palindrome
  3. Nth fibonacci
  4. Second Largest Number
  5. Find highest order digit of a byte
  6. 3th largest or kth largest
  7. 2 Sum, return all valid pairs (HashMap solution, sort and move towards middle solution) 234Sum
  8. Print path in Binary Tree
  9. Top K values (use minHeap)[array/]
  10. Search Binary Search Tree
  11. Inorder Traversal BST
  12. Reverse Linked List
  13. Flat Binary Tree
  14. Inetersection of Two Lists
  15. Valid Sudoku
  16. Flood Fill
  17. Anagram
  18. count string 中的words,edge cases
  19. Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal

System Design:

  1. Hotel Management system
  2. Online booking system
  3. 設計動物園(Animal Kindom)
  4. What is good OO design
  5. Design Vending machine
  6. TicTacToe
  7. Chess Game 1 2
  8. Design library, track records of books, CDs (cc150).
  9. File system (cc150)
  10. Deck (cc150, or
  11. Wallet
  12. Design Hashtable

Data Structure:

  1. Interface vs Abstract Class
  2. 設計電話本用什麼DS (Trie?)
  3. HashMap vs TreeMap


  1. ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)

Behavioral Questions:

  1. Challanging part of project
  2. Tell me one of the most chanllege technical problems

Programming Language:

  1. Garbage Collection,abstract vs interface, where primitive(heap) and object(stack) stored.

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