Contains Duplicate III
Given an array of integers, find out whether there are two distinct indices i and j in the array such that the difference between nums[i] and nums[j] is at most t and the difference between i and j is at most k.
ceilingKey(K key)
method is used to return the least key greater than or equal to the given key, or null if there is no such key.
由網友 提供以下思路:
用BST來維護前k個數,因此對於每個數,刪除第i-k-1個數是lgn,得到ceiling和lower key分別是lgn,最後將當前數加入BST是lgn。
public class Solution {
public boolean containsNearbyAlmostDuplicate(int[] nums, int k, int t) {
if (nums == null) {
return false;
TreeMap<Long, Integer> map = new TreeMap<Long, Integer>();
for (int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
if (i > k) {
map.remove((long)nums[i - k - 1]);
long val = (long)nums[i];
Long greater = map.ceilingKey(val);
if (greater != null && greater - val <= t) {
return true;
Long smaller = map.lowerKey(val);
if (smaller != null && val - smaller <= t) {
return true;
map.put(val, i);
return false;